Open 7 Days A Week To 8pm
First Time Drivers
If you’re a first time driver and need to arrange car insurance for the first time – we have a range of specialist solutions to help keep the costs allowing you to start earning No Claims Discounts even with a provisional licence.
Young Drivers Paying High Premiums
If you’re frustrated with paying high car insurance premiums, telematics could be the answer. Potential savings of 60% on non-telematics policies & earn up to 25% renewal discount.
Parents Needing Peace Of Mind
If you’re trying to help your child on the road to independent driving, telematics could give them the freedom they need and give you the peace of mind knowing that they’re being discreetly monitored to ensure they drive safe.
Solutions For Everyone
If you just need short-term cover to learn to drive in your own car or someone else's we can help with that too.
Young Driver Insurance offer premium telematics insurance policies to suit young and first time drivers in Northern Ireland.
Personalised Quotes
We assess all your needs, requirements and experience to offer you the cheapest possible quote - so you can save for what's really important to you.
Specific To Young Drivers
We speak your language so that you can get on the road with confidence you have the best insurance and support possible.
Young Drivers Insurance is one of the leading insurance brokers in Northern Ireland. We tailor all our policies to your specific needs to offer you the most affordable insurance possible.
The basic idea behind telematics insurance is that the specific use of a car and the driver’s behaviour and ability are monitored in real time. This information is transmitted from a device in the car to the insurance company. The insurance company can then assess the risk of that driver having an accident and tailor their insurance premium to the individual.
What mileage you’re covering;
How rapid your acceleration is;
How smoothly you brake;
How you handle cornering;
Your speed
From any browser simply go to gives you rapid feedback on your driving style and how you can improve. Not only will this help you drive more safely, save money on fuel and tyre wear but it will improve your chances of saving money on your motor insurance at the end of the year.
We show you your overall TRACKER Score, areas what you are doing well, not so well, as well as your journeys. The overall TRACKER Score is broken down into the component parts we call them the ABCS:
– Acceleration,
– Braking,
– Cornering and
– Speeding.
Young Drivers have been a longstanding broker partner of LV Insurance. They offered expert and professional advice to me, backed up with extraordinary levels of customer service. Couldn't ask for more. Was the best local quote I could find.
Belfast 2018
We’re proud to be partnered with the biggest names in insurance to offer competitive quotes you won’t find anywhere else!